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A single action in detail.
About the action rulebooks  


Standard actions concerning other people
Giving it to , Showing it to , Waking , Throwing it at , Attacking , Kissing , Answering it that , Telling it about , Asking it about , Asking it for 

Attacking something (past tense attacked)

Violence is seldom the answer, and attempts to attack another person are normally blocked as being unrealistic or not seriously meant. (I might find a shop assistant annoying, but IF is not Grand Theft Auto, and responding by killing him is not really one of my options.) So the Standard Rules simply block attempts to fight people, but the action exists for rules to make exceptions.

Typed commands leading to this action

"attack [something]"

"a [thing]" 

Rules controlling this action

set action variables for    when acting fast  acting fast actions are fast rule   name  unlist 

before    doing anything except examining or reaping in Drawing Room   

before    attacking the mirrors   

before    attacking the reflections   

before    attacking when Nomos counter is greater than 0   

before    doing anything  boots of wandering weirdness rule   name  unlist 

instead of    doing anything with clouds of smoke when the smoke timer of the location is less than 1   

instead of    attacking the radiant images   

instead of    attacking the statue of Nomos   

instead of    attacking the statue of Aite   

instead of    attacking the statue of Sul   

instead of    attacking the statue of Isatzo   

instead of    attacking or cutting or touching the fascinating drawing   

instead of    doing anything with rust spores   

check    when the noun is not a person  only attack persons rule   name  unlist 

check    when the player is at-React  cannot attack as reaction rule   name  unlist 

check    alternative do not kill yourself rule   name  unlist 

check    attacking a dead person  only attack the living rule   name  unlist 

check    Miranda attacking   

check    an enslaved npc attacking  slaves may be freed from mindslug rule   name  unlist 

check    an actor attacking when the thorny bushes are in the location  attack with thorns in the location rule   name  unlist 

check    an actor attacking  attack a spinning chain golem rule   name  unlist 

check    alternative do not attack friendly people rule   name  unlist 

check    alternative do not attack neutral people rule   name  unlist 

check    cannot attack when grappled rule   name  unlist 

check    attacking with the demon blade is a bad idea rule   name  unlist 

      NB: the alternative do not attack neutral people rule is listed instead of the do not attack neutral people rule in the check attacking rulebook 
      NB: the alternative do not attack friendly people rule is listed instead of the do not attack friendly people rule in the check attacking rulebook 
      NB: the alternative do not kill yourself rule is listed instead of the do not kill yourself rule in the check attacking rulebook 

carry out    attacking the player when the combat status is peace  attack self when not in combat rule   name  unlist 

carry out    an actor attacking  standard carry out an actor attacking rule   name  unlist 

carry out    (increase detection probability by 70) 

report    swarm of daggers attacking   

report    blood ape attacking   

report    ravenous armadillo attacking   

report    Miranda attacking   

report    chain golem attacking   

report    bomb attacking   

report    reaper attacking   

report    mindslug attacking   

report    Fafhrd attacking   

report    Mouser attacking   

report    giant tentacle attacking   

report    healer of Aite attacking   

report    tormentor of Aite attacking   

report    defender of Aite attacking   

report    Bodmall attacking   

report    corpse attacking   

report    aswang attacking   

report    smoke demon attacking   

report    imp attacking   

report    an npc attacking  standard report an actor attacking rule   name  unlist